San Diego Handbag Buyer Offers Tips to Sellers
San Diego Jewelry Buyers, California’s most prominent used designer handbag buyer, has announced the publication of a new consumer guide. The article of tips (titled “Is My Designer Handbag Authentic or a Knockoff?”) is for women seeking to sell pre-owned luxury purses made by Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Chanel, Prada, Hermes, and other top brands.
“We often have customers call us wondering how they can tell for sure if their designer handbag is authentic,” says an SDJB spokesperson. “While it often requires a professional handbag buyer or authorized dealer to fully authenticate a luxury purse, there are a few basic things that all people can do to check whether their ladies handbag is the genuine article or a fake.”
A couple of tips which handbag sellers can find in “Is My Designer Handbag Authentic or a Knockoff?” are:
— Check the stitching. One reason high-end handbags from brands like Hermes and Prada cost so much is that they are very carefully made by highly trained craftspeople. Check the stitching in spots not easy to see and look for sloppiness, unraveling, and/or inconsistency. The color of the stitching should be the same everywhere. Also check the overall complexity of the stitching pattern. If your handbag looks stitched together in a very simple pattern, then it is likely a knockoff.
— Check the materials. While some knockoffs are made from real leather, the quality of the leather is not equal to that of a designer bag from say Fendi or Louis Vuitton. The leather of a faux designer purse tends to be stiffer, slicker, and/or shinier. It will often also show discoloration and have an uneven look or texture. If you see crackles in the “leather” of your wallet or purse, that’s a bad sign. If your handbag feels rather light, that’s not a good sign either, as this means it likely has been made with plastic.
To read the full list of tips for handbag and purse sellers, please go to: Is My Designer Handbag Authentic or a Knockoff? in the Knowledge area of The guide is just one of the many knowledge building articles that the company provides on products such as gold, diamonds, timepieces, fine jewelry, and designer handbags, so that consumers can get the most money for these luxury assets.
To schedule an appointment for a free appraisal and immediate cash off on your designer handbag or other luxury product, please call San Diego Jewelry Buyers toll free at: 800-557-9413.
The company also offers quick and confidential collateral loans on all qualified items from their downtown office in the Gaslamp Quarter of San Diego. For more information on all the luxury assets which the company buys, please visit or contact:
San Diego Jewelry Buyers
907 6th Ave
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 236-9603 – (800) 557-9413